Important Things to Know Before Getting Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers Miami, FL

Dental veneers have grown in popularity, especially for individuals looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. These thin, plastic coverings go directly over teeth that are in bad shape due to damage or stains. Additionally, dental veneers can be used to cover teeth that are too short or pushed back, thus encouraging a more even arch. However, with all cosmetic dentistry procedures come important things to know. Ready to find out more?

What to know about dental veneers

When considering dental veneers, it is best to review the following information, which outlines a few important things to know.

The effect dental veneers have on the natural tooth

One factor that often gets overlooked when considering dental veneers is the effect that the entire process has on the natural tooth. When dental veneers are placed, the dentist will start out by breaking down the natural tooth and grinding it, which can be painful and uncomfortable. Additionally, the surface of the tooth is etched, which can cause sensitivity and pain. 

While this part of the procedure is necessary in order for the dental veneer to stick, it can be very painful and result in irreversible damage to the natural tooth. Many people are not aware of how damaging this can be to the natural tooth. Ultimately, it results in a need to always have a restoration, whether it be a dental veneer or crown. 


Dental veneers are made of porcelain or composite resin, which are both materials that cannot be bleached with teeth whitening agents. Over time, the dental veneers will stain from heavily dyed beverages and foods, however, unlike natural teeth, the stains cannot be lifted. Cosmetic dentists typically recommend that individuals have all of their teeth whitened prior to dental veneer placement. Then, the veneer can be color-matched at the dental lab to specifically match the freshly whitened teeth. 

Living with dental veneers

An important thing to know about dental veneers is that they do require gentle care after they are placed. Dental veneers that are made of porcelain are extremely strong and durable, however, they are prone to damage, especially if proper care is not taken. It is important for individuals to avoid excessive sugar consumption, as well as foods that are hard, tough or chewy. These types of foods can require extra force when it comes to chewing and grinding, which can result in a damaged or broken dental veneer. 

It is important for individuals to consider the required eating habits prior to undergoing dental veneer placement as it can affect one's daily life. Outside of avoiding certain foods, there are a few general things that cosmetic dentists recommend, which include routine oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist and avoiding bad habits, such as smoking or nail-biting. 

Find out more about dental veneers 

Dental veneers are a great cosmetic dentistry option to look into when desiring an improved smile and better function. To get started, it is best to undergo an evaluation with a cosmetic dentist. The evaluation will determine the best course of action, which may include dental veneers or another cosmetic dentistry procedure. Reach out today to learn more or to get started. 

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